21 February 2015


Feels the whole world is crumbling on your head, you feel so lonely , nobody can understand your feeling , the tears stop flowing .Looking through the window different thoughts come to your mind in most cases it is to give up.Rejection is terrible you begin to access your life if not carefully handled can lead to being withdrawn leading to depression and then suicide in certain cases .I have been rejected so many times in relationship I sat down in my room couldnt sleep throughout the night wondering how my life would be without this person, how would I cope the fear of what my friends would say, family members made me suffer anxiety, couldnt trust anyone , became very secretive but one day I sat down and said if i keep doing this am only hurting myself why dont you stand up fight it off and let the person that rejected me see me and know that am doing very well .
Rejection at work can be devastating no one wants to mingle with you based on certain things ,in the morning you become so moody because you know that at lunchtime you will be alone rejection presents itself in different ramifications of our lives which I must tell you is normal . Jesus Christ was rejected by His own people so who am I to complain when am rejected.
Rejection is not failure ,because you were rejected at a job interview doesnt mean you will be rejected in another one but the good news is that there is someone that will never reject you , no matter your past sins He would accept you for who you are and give you a new garment .With these new garment you will never experience rejection anymore , your enemies will suddenly be at peace with you. Jesus Christ never rejects any invitation but the only condition is that Jesus Christ will never force Himself on you, invite Him into your heart now and all rejection suffered will become a past tense . 
Have you being rejected by your loved ones because of your faith don't fret you have a crown of glory waiting for you  .

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