27 February 2015


The enemy is very wise the family though a small unit has a great influence on the society. when there is no faithfulness in a marriage hence the main purpose is lost a society that has made sex with another man or woman spouse is normal then the marriage institution is broken remembering that God i wants the marriage institution to be  be pure but when broken there will bbe consequences

26 February 2015

Thought of the day

Thinking everyone around me has good intents leads to an unfulfilled life have learnt to tame my to tongue

BIBLE verse of the day

Religionn that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this to look after orphan and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world

25 February 2015


ForP my FFather will is that every one who looks to the Son and believes in HIm shall have eternal life and I will raise them up at the last day


Sin is sowonderful especially sexual sin but the end thereof  is terrible and full of regrets

24 February 2015


I Have learnt to appreciate myself rather than wait to appreciated and feel hurt Love me


for in CHrist JESus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value .THe only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love 

21 February 2015


How else are you going to claim your possessions from a thief ? Either you report to the justice system to investigate or you forget about it . Spiritual recovery requires entering into the camp of the enemy to take all your stolen virtues but how you might ask ?
Prayer cultivate the habit of praying at midnight and you will be shocked how your recovering will begin to manifest physically interviews of past month will suddenly resurface with job offer, marriage proposal will manifest , financial blessing. The enemy has no good intention he and his agents are thieves that steal be on the guard after recovering guard your testimonies by fleeing from  sin


Feels the whole world is crumbling on your head, you feel so lonely , nobody can understand your feeling , the tears stop flowing .Looking through the window different thoughts come to your mind in most cases it is to give up.Rejection is terrible you begin to access your life if not carefully handled can lead to being withdrawn leading to depression and then suicide in certain cases .I have been rejected so many times in relationship I sat down in my room couldnt sleep throughout the night wondering how my life would be without this person, how would I cope the fear of what my friends would say, family members made me suffer anxiety, couldnt trust anyone , became very secretive but one day I sat down and said if i keep doing this am only hurting myself why dont you stand up fight it off and let the person that rejected me see me and know that am doing very well .
Rejection at work can be devastating no one wants to mingle with you based on certain things ,in the morning you become so moody because you know that at lunchtime you will be alone rejection presents itself in different ramifications of our lives which I must tell you is normal . Jesus Christ was rejected by His own people so who am I to complain when am rejected.
Rejection is not failure ,because you were rejected at a job interview doesnt mean you will be rejected in another one but the good news is that there is someone that will never reject you , no matter your past sins He would accept you for who you are and give you a new garment .With these new garment you will never experience rejection anymore , your enemies will suddenly be at peace with you. Jesus Christ never rejects any invitation but the only condition is that Jesus Christ will never force Himself on you, invite Him into your heart now and all rejection suffered will become a past tense . 
Have you being rejected by your loved ones because of your faith don't fret you have a crown of glory waiting for you  .


The ingredient to fulfilling God purpose in life : HOLY SPIRIT +CONTENTMENT =FULFILLMENT


It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting ,for death is the destiny of everyone ;the living should take this to heart


I was taken up to  heaven beautiful with stars and sound of music looking down saw a large field with beautiful grass beyond I saw a beautiful dove ,struggling to come out of my vision couldnt because the Holy Spirit wanted me to see a glimpse of the reward of children of God . And then I heard a knock on the door very violent and I opened the door and saw a young man , He said "if you had told me I wouldnt be here "and I responded "but I told you but you didnt listen" looking at me he gave me a sheet of paper with a list of names saying Please tell them the truth.

Not here to convince you because it is only the Spirit of Truth that can convict anyone but I have fulfilled my assignment to let you know that there is Heaven where genuine children of God will abide forever and Hell Fire as the name implies torments day and night for anyone that refuse to heed the warning desist from all evil .

How can you qualify to enter Heaven say this prayer with a sincere heart LORD JESUS PLEASE FORGIVE ME MY SINS I CONFESS YOU AS MY LORD AND SAVIOR BE THE MASTER OF MY LIFE IN JESUS NAME AMEN


You opened my eyes to see the mystery of life and my human conclusion is never ever trust anyone.


Do not be conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will


A picture of a pastor asking single ladies to strip naked and kissing their butt claiming it will attract spouses is a clear sign of the end time of how the demonic spirit is operating in the mind of people.
Fill your mind will the word of God


Despite your belief either in as a Christian, Hinduism,Islam we all can agree that the events occurring are very strange compared to a decade ago. As a Christian it is obvious that Jesus Christ is returning soon but there is a major warning from Christ Jesus that we all must be aware of as the elect will also be deceived.There are signs,miracles but not all are from God remembering the enemy also disguising as angel of light to deceive .

You need the gift of discernment , this is compulsory for you in these last days it is not meant for only pastors or ministers of God but  for every child of God. How would you know that the person claiming to be a prophet is not from the pit of hell. There are certain stories you will hear that you know that it is false but there are some that without the gift of discernment you will be deceived.
The gift of discernment enables you know a liar instantly , when you sit beside an individual that has demonic spirit instantly you will know . There are certain revelations you are  aware of without anyone else knowing enabling you to interact with such individuals carefully and with wisdom.

Do you know that it is not everyone that is in church has good motive ?this gift will help you in your walk with God , relationship with people and enable your wait for Jesus Christ to be smooth I can write a whole  page talking about testimonies in my life as regards this gift. But how can you receive this gift?

Ask the Holy Spirit trusting you will receive , you surely will receive

20 February 2015


There is a woman sitting on the beast , she looks so beautiful , decked with gold , precious stones, pearl , have a golden cup in her hand is deceiving people with her beauty and all she is offering mankind is wine of fornication, greed, lust for money , power and position and is disheartening that the church is also deceived. The church has deviated and Jesus Christ in unhappy how you might ask . While asleep I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me "The church is filthy ".
The church has a body has lost focus on the purpose and foundation of the church . The church is to preach the gospel of peace, love each other must be the priority then all other things will be added but the reverse  is the case , the body of the church fight for position, power , strife ,envy seems to be the order of the day . Individuals that are very rich are recognised by the leaders not caring to know the source of wealth .

All the above are signs that the end time is drawing very near , salvation is individual based  on the last day when we will be judged  it wouldn't be based on what church or denomination you attended  but rather your works on earth , develop yourself spiritually by constantly reading the word of God


Your thought depends on what is stored in your mind , you need three things to enable you yield positive thoughts. Hope that tomorrow will be better than today will help you be in a very good mood , what will be the essence of life if you dont have anything to hope for , such a life will be mediocre and live for the moment and when things seem not be working well , you easily give up.

The situation experienced now will become old news tomorrow. Jesus Christ being beaten , scourged endured all because of the hope that in three days time His name will be above all names .Do you often go to bed unhappy, angry , depressed,based on certain circumstances that you think you cannot change and when it is dawn you have no reason to get up I will profound a solution . Write all your problems in a paper prioritizing the needs ,kneel down and pray to God with a sincere heart discussing about the problem to Him .Begin to look forward to the answer to your prayer manifest physically.

Faith will keep your hope alive , isn't it strange that people that don't believe in God   hope to wake up in the morning which clearly implies that though they claim their unbelief but in reality they actually have faith in God otherwise they can open their eyes all night and not sleep.You must believe that God will grant all your heart requesst and proceed by giving thanks . A man promised to buy a child chocolate and refused to buy it for the child but every-time the child sees the man rather than complain this young child keeps thanking the man for the chocolate even if the man is hard heartened he would be eventually moved to buy the chocolate. God is a merciful God that loves you so much when you cultivate the habit of thanksgiving naturally your thinking becomes positive because you know that though you are bed bound because of an ailment but because you have prayed and believed , you are positive that one day you will be completely healed .

You must love yourself , don't despise your looks, height , circumstances , when you appreciate yourself it will reflect in your outward appearance and attitude towards life. You are unique and wonderfully created , never allow someone opinion intimidate you.


In my moment of doubt, uncertainty about tomorrow, fear , Lord give me retentive memory to remember what you have done in the past knowing that you did it before definitely you will do it again.


So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

19 February 2015


The mission of the Isis is to take over the world , have a governement based on their own doctrine , but particularly Israel ,there is a lot of deception amongst the leaders no one seems to know who is in support or against the group but there is something that you must be observant about, some countries will make ally with this terror group and pretend to make peace which would confirm the word of God.

The rise of the anti christ is sooner than we expect . The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how satan works . He will use all  sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie , and all ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing . They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness


Problems will always exist as long as am alive but the only consolation is that I have a burden bearer called Jesus Christ.


Wait on the Lord be of good courage , and He shall strength thine heart , wait I say on the Lord


You hear Christians say the Holy Spirit said but sound strange to a new child of God . When I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ I never heard about the Holy Spirit so it was so strange to an experience, I observed that as I opened my mouth to pray it seems I was speaking a different language out if ignorance I stopped and went to bed. The next day the moment I obeyed my mouth to pray I began to speak in a language that I didn't understand .

Kneeling down and praying today , the Holy Spirit said I should write about Him hence this write up.The Holy Spirit has always existed before the existence  of the  earth but when Jesus Christ came to the world to die for mankind for the remission of sin so our relationship with God can be rectified , the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus Christ as a dove after baptism. As a child of God , the Holy Spirit should be your best friend that you communicate with but how can a dove speak ?
The illustration of a dove tells about the characteristics of the Holy Spirit but He is a personality that has feelings ,He speaks .When you surrender your Life to Jesus Christ , the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in your spirit which becomes  a strange scenario when a child of God still smokes  implying that you are smoking on the Holy Spirit leading to contamination.
The Holy Spirit will empower you with gifts which differs from each individual , if you dont speak in diverse language doesnt mean that the Holy Spirit does not dwell in you , you might be gifted in other gifts .There is the gift of wisdom,  knowledge, faith,healing,working of miracles , prophesy,diverse tongues,interpretation of tongues.
 But how do you know that the Holy Spirit dwells in you. It depends on your character , when He dwells in you , gradually you exhibit new character for instance  in the past  you are someone that gets very angry gradually you become so peaceful that as an individual you cant explain how you were able to overcome anger out of your life.
Can you talk with the Holy Spirit as a friend yes you can , you must learn to talk less so you can hear his voice , spend time reading the word of God , a relationship began one day gradually developed into best friend so is the walk with the Holy Spirit .

18 February 2015


Boko Haram has threatened to disrupt next month election shouldnt be taken for granted. These people are sponsored by organizations and people that you will be surprised at, the same hypocrisy exist everywhere  not forgetting that evil forces are operating in their mind and dont have regard for their lives.
The dangerous sect cannot be handled with leverage and weapons so Nigeria does not become a war zone country. The political leaders cannot solve this problem because it is more than what meets the eyes . The demonic spirit operating is very dangerous and can only be counter with spiritual weapons.

It is so disheartening that spiritual leaders have diverted from spirituality and joined allies with politics. We all can pray in our room and the only prayer is LORD HAVE MERCY so their threat will never be carried out.


 An animal that was created lower than man in all ramification is the year of a nation . The foundation of whatever you do in life will determine the end . A house that laid a foundation of a bungalow will eventually be destroyed when storm comes. A sheep follows wherever the shepherd leaves , it has no control over its movement .

A country that celebrates new year after an animal will produce a year of the characteristics of an animal. Such a nation  will experience confusion out of my own thought honor should be given to  who wakes you up.  When you are asleep you become dead so if there is no God to honor it must the bleat of a sheep?  .

Reconciling with God will bring an end to troubles of the world


Peace of the mind  can never be purchased neither can you see it with the physical eyes. As long as you are alive there will be issues of life even a rich person is not problem free and it is known that the only person who is free from problem is a dead person . When someone is dead and owes the bank , the bank can never retrieve the money , but  the issue of problem differs from each individual a lady or man can be gainfully employed , financially stable yet the problem is spouse ,another person could be a child the list is endless because that is how the world operates but this can never be known except you are told.

But can you really search for peace? You can be in financial debt and yet have peace of mind how can you achieve that because the baliff can come knocking at any time to seize your properties , how do you explain a single mother that has accumulated bills and is a foreigner in a land due to reasons beyond her control cannot pay these bills which would expose her to her greatest fear of deportation yet has peace of mind .Peace can be searched and found if your source is the right one ,when you have the above problem and you decide to handle it yourself will lead to deeper problem and at night you cant sleep, in the morning you are moody by lunch time you have headache because of your thoughts and eventually diagnosed with depression.

When you have the Prince of Peace dwelling in your life , the peace that will surrender you will be indescribable, whatever problem you are going through , the Holy Spirit will give you inspiration on how to solve it do you know that God is the one that kill and make alive , so whatever is dead in your life maybe the doctor has given an ultimatum of death date when you allow the Prince of Peace to come into your life , He will give you rest in all the turmoils of life . Try Him now and invite Him into your life . 


My eyes are filled with tears , when i think about my past life which i must confess was really bad and then I could be forgiven and chosen shows that indeed God is very merciful and can forgive you no matter your sins .


For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing , but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

17 February 2015


Peter was arrested , the whole church arose and prayed for him , the angel of God visited and set him free. Paul and Silas were in jail they praised God and
the gates of the prison and shackles on their feet broke. Joshua and the Israelites cried out in prayer and the sin of Achan was exposed.

Elijah prayed his enemies were burnt with fire from Heaven , we still serve the same God , He has never failed all we need is prayer of mercy . There will be revenge attack on the Christian , we all need to arise and pray .


The days are near, the signs are manifesting Lord save me   from the day of your wrath.


A hot tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel


As discussed previously about demonic spirits , they are invisible and operates in animate and inanimate things so how do we know who is possessed with these demonic spirits? Anyone can be possessed if you allow them into your life. The traits exhibited by human beings depend on the spirit inhabiting in their spirit being if for instance the spirit of Truth dwells in you , you will exhibits the fruits of the spirit which includes love, long-suffering , humility, goodness but when it is the demonic spirit it exhibits drunkenness, sexual perversion, thieves, adultery, covetousness .

There are different ways this demonic spirits enter a life even though you claim to be a child of God , these spirit can be in your life and you will never know is that possible afterall the spirit of Truth dwells in me can be the response but the plain truth is that the spirit of Truth cannot dwell in a filthy spirit so what He does is that He leaves you and you might assume that He is still there but your assumption is wrong because when you begin to tell lies, lust, your conscience tells you but because  the church is so decayed that the preaching you hear now is that we live in the era of grace so therefore God is very gracious forgetting that God can never ever be mocked , so when you begin to allow lies in your life , these demonic spirits that are jobless will creep into the spirit of such individual.
Be careful of what you watch , anything that yields negative thoughts will eventually attract demonic spirit.
The demonic spirits begin to torment their victims which starts with evil imagination, which results in actions that are dehumanizing, a child that is so rebellious has a demonic spirit of stubbornness. As the human world is with hierarchy so also is the kingdom of darkness , the spirit of drunkenness is totally different from   sexual immorality but the end result is destruction. A man just becomes addicted to drugs, wine which started one day , these demonic kingdom are so organized that when they begin operation it will look very harmless but gradually it becomes worse and becomes difficult for the victim to break free, so what must you do?

If you exhibit certain characters that have negative impact to you and people around will require your invitation of the Spirit of Truth into your life and casting out the demonic spirit operating  in your life which is a very simple process by opening your mouth and saying this prayer "Lord Jesus please come into my life ,forgive me my sins , Spirit of Truth come into my life and operate in my body, spirit and soul. You demonic spirit operating in my Life I cast you out from my life and never return in Jesus Name

16 February 2015


You have a choice to whom to believe , why should you retaliate certain individuals that believe certain views. I believe what works for me, I  will be a dumb lady to keep following a man that all i gain from is abuse as a wise lady i will flee and begin to follow a man that loves and cherishes me but that doesnt mean I will attack all the women that date my ex boyfriend , it is their choice not mine i have said goodbye to the relationship so i face the new relationship but where really am i going with my illustration.

Why should you hate me because i believe in the way , truth and life Jesus Christ since I began to follow Jesus Christ my experience has been wonderful , I have peace , joy everyday when i wake up i thank Him for waking me up , I have directions from the spirit of truth with a revelation of the beauty of Heaven recently gives me assurance that at the end of the journey there is surely a reward , if you decide to worship and believe in inanimate things , wood or you dont believe in nothing will never make me hate you or judge you .

The enimty of Christians will continue until the trumpet sound because as a child of God you know the end result of the activities of the devil and his agents because they will all end up in the bottomless pit locked up , the demon operating in the minds of people that hate christians is to operate a kingdom on earth that aim to eradicate Christians but as he is a counterfeit the original will soon arise and crumble and destroy both the spirit, agents.


I mourn for my brothers  beheaded because of  their gospel but reassured that they are relaxing in Heaven .Why is God silent about His own children and didnt arise to save themthe prophesy of Kcor of Ages  2014 on you tube spoken by his servant is all coming to pass.

The trumpet will soon sound  the blood of every child of God killed for their faith is crying out but God has given them a white robe for a while until the end of the sixth seal .


Why should I believe in demons when am a child of God ? Demons are spirits that can never repent and cannot be seen with the physical eyes , they operate in human beings , animals to carry out terrible things . What makes an individual commit suicide ? There are thoughts that introduces such thoughts initially ignored after sometime it comes again telling you the reason why you must commit suicide is an operation of these demonic spirit.

They are on assignment to kill your soul , steal your victory , joy , peace , destiny and eventually destroy such individual . Wondering why the love of money has become the vogue that individuals that go to any extent to be wealthy so they become celebrities, drive the latest cars , live in beautiful houses at the prize of things that if given another option they wouldnt be involve in what they are doing.

Demons can only be in one place at a time implying that when on assignment they remain in that body permanently until they destroy such individuals but how do you know an individual that is operating under the influence of a demonic spirit ? to be continued


Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act


Haters keep hating me because it is making me stronger and determine that my purpose must be fulfilled so you can witness my testimonies


The events of the great day of the Lord are very eventful , prior to this there will be six things that will occur and the reality is that this great day is drawing very near . During the days of Noah, they were wining , dining , marrying when it started like rain , the people must have thought that it is another rain but it grew and increased flooded and killed them .The moment the  door of the boat was closed there was no more opportunity to enter .

The signs are all here for all to see about this day ,the devil and demons are at rampage now , occurrences that was very scarce ten years ago has become rampant presently , the church as a body is literally sick , their is no more love , the prayer life of many churches is so low that the agents of darkness are so comfortable dwelling in the house of God and when this occur the Spirit of Truth cannot dwell there yielding to lukewarmness amongst the members . Powers of darkness operate freely in the church .

There is poverty , famine , plague not because God is wicked but because the ways of mankind contradicts the laws of God . There is persecution everywhere but there is an event that the moment it occurs the end is here , the moment the sun becomes black and the red moon becomes blood red then the day has come . But what will happen on this day ?

The world will be confused even the mountains will be removed from its place because the wrath of the Lamb is terrible though Jesus Christ is a lamb He is also lion of the tribe of Judah so what must I do to avoid the wrath of God , you must be a friend of Jesus Christ by surrendering your Life to Jesus Christ by saying this prayer you will be saved from the great wrath of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus forgive me my sins I acknowledge you as my Messiah please come into my Life and become the master of my life thank you Lord in Jesus Name Amen.

15 February 2015


Do not work for food that spoils , but for food that endures to eternal life , which the Son of Man will give you.


Tick tick tick tick the clock doesn't wait for me , cannot change yesterday but can determine how today will be, Lord help me to use the remaining time of my life just for your purpose in my Life .


There are certain rules that you must follow when you have a call upon your life ,you must not involve yourself with idle chatting especially about other men and women of God dont criticize neither be judgmental.

Talk less , when you have a divine call upon you life either has a teacher, pastor, apostles whatever it is learn to talk less , when you not talk less the Spirit of Truth can easily communicate with you . The more your communicate with the Spirit of Truth the more the calling upon your life will yield fruitful fruits .

Be careful who you share  your visions and dreams with , it leads to envy . jealousy when you are called you will be surprised the obstacles that you will encountered especially from your so called "best friends" .People attitude will manifest either positively or negatively but dont be detered

Be determined to fulfil your call and eradicate fear of man the only person you must fear is who sent you . God must be greatly feared and obeyed infact your trademark must be I WILL DISPLEASE MEN TO PLEASE GOD

You must wait for the next practical steps from the Spirit of Truth , He will tell you the next location , time which must be obeyed without delay.

 Being called by God is a great privilege and a huge sacrifice making sure that in all you do humility must be your watchword when you allow the leading of the Holy Spirit depending on your area of call , you will be used mightly by God beyond your human comprehension . Stay specifically in your call .

13 February 2015


I really wonder and imagine what I will be doing when the trumpet will sound, Holy Spirit help me to do your will Lord .


Two things I ask of you , Lord ;do not refuse me before I die keep falsehood and lies far from me ; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread . Otherwise , I may have too much and disown you and say "Who is the Lord? Or I may become poor and steal , and so dishonor the name of my God


It will interrupt what you are doing infact in the human sense you are very comfortable and then suddenly you begin to have visions about your call . If you are not sure be like Gideon and ask for a sign from God for a confirmation, you have a choice to either leave what you are doing and follow your call , when you obey human beings will call you names infact your closest associates will tell you that you are a fool to leave a lucrative job and become a servant of God , doesnt God know that you have to pay the bills , and they will be waiting for the day you will come and beg for money, which will never happen if indeed you have been called by the Almighty .

There are three types of servants of God working in the vineyard , the ones that have been ordained from their mother womb like Jeremiah, John the Baptist , Samuel , Samson they have been chosen by God , most cases they never wish to be servants of God but eventually will serve God. The second ones are those that the affliction of the world pushed them to become servants of God willingly the mad man of Gaderenes became an evangelist ,and the third ones are those that became saved and decided to follow the instructions of Jesus Christ with seriousness and decided to become servants of God, they willingly sacrifice their time , resources in the vineyard of God .

You are very sure in your spirit that you heard right , your visions are not imagination ,that is why it is very necessary to experience a divine encounter with a divine encounter you are adamant and determined to fulfil the call upon your Life. Individuals that have been called on divine assignment has a condition attached ,and the more they follow the call doors open , personal problems are easily solved by God. But you need faith like a mustard seed to follow the call upon your life otherwise you will keep procrastinating and will eventually be replaced by someone else.

What are the practical steps to take ? to be continued


Saeed Abedini a 34 year old Pastor , father, and husband is currenly imprisoned in Rajaei Shar prison in Iran charged for being a Christian , let us pray for Him  to be released with assurance from the Holy Spirit that he will be released before the end of the year keep my hope alive and faith strong we are far from each other but are all brothers and sisters what will you do if your sister or brother is in jail the least you do is pray.
PRAYER POINT : The enemies of Paul sworn not to eat until they kill Paul which fail , Oh Lord in your great power and awesomeness let your will be done in the life of Pastor Saeed and be released in Jesus Name Amen.

Praying for others opens the door of miracles signs and wonders in your life . Remember Pastor Saeed in your prayers .


You are so lucky that you reside in a country that people live together despite their religious differences but what about children of God that are located in countries that Christians are purposely target-ted for attack  . There are missionaries all over the world that though they dont need our money but the greatest gift you can give them is your prayer.
There are situations that they are in prison far from their family because they believe in Jesus Christ yet like the early apostles have not renounce their faith , the least we are expected to do if really we are our brother keeper is praying . The church did not stop praying for Peter , Peter was sleeping when an angel of God came and opened the door for him. There are missionaries that are in countries that have no electricity , clean water and are their preaching the gospel without been recognized because their reward is in Heaven.

Let spend a minute of our time everyday and pray for all the missionaries in the world and persecuted Christians all over the world .


As earlier discussed you must hear the word Go from whom would you ask. A call upon your life is a divine assignment which is totally different from ministry . Your ministry could be anything that you are gifted in and edifies the work of God for instance you are gifted in singing , that is your ministry signs , miracles occur while singing , maybe you write but this needs to be differentiated and understood.
The word GO is divine which could be either through dream , vision but you must be the one to hear it . It is individual call and personal so that in the day of trouble you can run back to God and say but you told me to Go. Can you remember the day you were visited divinely which can be in different ways. Elijah expected God to appear in fire, wind-whirl but rather it was a still small voice. The appearance of God to Moses was fire, Gideon was visited by an angel. But do angels still visit now ? Yes they appear in different ways, when God call is upon your life when you are visited by an angel , you are aware and no one can convince you otherwise because it will come with a divine instruction. Be very sure that the heathen will rage

Do you have spiritual gifts? A call upon your life will become evident because God will bless you with gifts that will help in your assignment. God has called you to deliver people from the shackles of the enemy , God knows that it is entirely different from the work of a pastor because your assignment will make you have encounter with principalities and powers of darkness, am I saying that pastors will not face this problem ?of course not but your calling will make you confront them almost on a daily bases , God will bless you with gifts that when someone approaches you , your spiritual eyes is opened and you know people as they really are. A true life story of a man of God while young went to a church while sitting, a woman with a child tied at her back came inside and sat beside this man of GOD suddenly the preacher stopped preaching and ran towards their seat ,looking at this woman the preacher said:
Never in your life should you walk into my church with your head upside down . Expecting a reaction from the woman to his amazement she replied and said "Am sorry" strange but true. Not everyone is called into the deliverance ministry.

Do you have spiritual gifts apart from speaking in tongues, can you interpret tongues of the spirit? Have you been lifted into the spiritual realm ?  to be continued


The enemy has lost the battle over my life despite all the strategies used , making me walk like a peacock because I have God on my side .


The Lord God is my strength , and He will make my feet like hinds feet , and He will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

12 February 2015


A call has the name implies is a beckon, sign language but what now is calling ? This is spiritual , a calling refers to God assignment for you on the earth  which differs amongst individuals. Before you can affirm God call upon your life there has to been a divine visitation which must be remembered vividly .
It must have the word GO , that is  a command from God , go and do this or do that because when you decide to go without divine direction it leads to frustration and question that did God really call you .
A man that had a revelation where each person was given a portion of land to work on ,but when it was his turn the man in charge refused to give him any but rather told him that he was to help others in their land. This means that the call upon His life is not start and build a church but rather be an evangelist going from church to church preaching the gospel. Do you think God is calling you into his vineyard? There are certain questions you must ask Have you had a divine encounter? Have you heard the word GO ? TO BE CONTINUED 


My determination to fulfill God call upon my life can never be achieved without the help of the Holy Spirit.


Seek the Lord while he may be found ;call on him while in his near .


While waiting for the return of Jesus Christ , despite your quest for the basic needs of life without the extra oil it is very easy to fall into temptation . The greatest tool the enemy uses against mankind is your mind, there are terrible thoughts in your mind that can yield terrible disaster if care is not taking.

The extra oil of your life will make you confront all the darts of the enemy, it will fuel your spirit man when your lights seems to be getting dark. But where do you get the oil from? The significance of oil in this context is your spiritual mind, in these terrible day and last days that we live in without your spiritual mind being rejuvenated the likelihood of backsliding is very high , your oil must be fueled with the word of God.

The advancement of technology has made life very easy , you can download Bible as an audio book so you can play and listen to the word of God. The word of God will keep your faith strong .Jesus Christ is returning soon , be on alert and prayerful

11 February 2015


My greatest fear never comes , hence my change of attitude when the fear comes I will confront it


Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God , Give me relief from my distress have mercy on me and hear my prayers


The signs that the seventh trumpet will soon sound is nearer than we all think , everything seems to be getting worse in all the nations all around the world and the so called powers dont know the solution. The prince of the world is dwelling in the heart of the leaders making them have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear , which would affect the way they govern. The crisis gets worse and worse, there is no peace amongst mankind everything is  war when searched deep  , the reason is baseless it all for power .

Jesus Christ when tempted by this prince of the world used three things and one of them is power and the enemy is still using this tactic  presently , he told Jesus Christ that if Jesus Christ can bow down and worship him the enemy , he will give Jesus Christ all the splendor of the world .
Power attracts the splendor of the world which people are all fighting for including the people killing in the whole world based on religion are all camouflage .

The beginning of sorrows have began but as a child of God you will only read and hear about it but you and your family will never partake of it , during these last day because of the elect when the tribulation hour shall come the length will be reduced because of you but when is this tribulation hour going to happen ? be alert and watch RUSSIA AND AMERICA, the moment you hear and read that the both leaders shake hands to be at peace with each other if you are a child of God know that sooner than you think the return of our Messiah is soon . to be continued 

10 February 2015


The will of God for our life differs hence we pray , fast yet no response not asking this question from God is it your will? The will of God for our lives seem so boring, slow in action but the end thereof is the best. You have waited for along time for a job yet it seems Jesus Christ just doesnt like you sometimes we haunt ourselves by concluding that it is because we have sinned but looking intently is your prayer request according to God purpose .

Would challenge you regarding the prayer request that seems unanswered change your prayer pattern and begin to ask God what His will is regarding that situation. When Jesus Christ was about to be betrayed and killed, He prayed for the cup to pass Him by but the will of God should be paramount , during the beating, scourging , nailing on the cross of Jesus Christ in the human eyes it seem God was silent which in reality He was silent because the will of God had to be fulfilled for the benefit of you and I .

The will of God pertaining to every ramifications of our lives is very important , learning  to wait and live according to God will makes  life burden free


My carefree  attitude  pertaining to the problems of life becomes very necessary when I have the Holy Spirit to do the hard-work while I implement His instruction .

Bible Verse Of the Day

For the word of the Lord is right and true, He is faithful in all He does.

9 February 2015


As soon as the trumpet sounds, all the hustle of life will end , living with contentment prepares us for the sound .


But I  tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgement for every word they have spoken


There was a king called Manasseh that committed every thing that God instructed the Israelites not to do, to avoid the wrath of God but this king did everything as if he was above God, he bowed down and worshipped starry hosts, he built altars in the temple of the Lord, he sacrificed his children to pass through fire, practised divination and witchcraft , sought omens, mediums, spiritist then suddenly there was an invasion from the king of Assyria , this great king called Manasseh was captured,the enemies put a hook on his nose and bound him with shackles.

On the day of trouble many quickly forget one thing that the only one that can save you is the all wise God. God is mighty than human imagination, merciful and forgiven that is why He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for you during the time of the Israelites Jehovah spoke through prophets to His people yet heard the voices of people in these end time generation we are so privilenge that as soon as you use the name above all names Jesus Christ in time of trouble when no prophet is around to tell you the mind of God , your request will be granted.

A new week that some people will be granted promotions, letters of testimonies will be opened, delivery of babies,new job yet for some people it will be a week that some will cross over to eternity but whose side are you ? Manasseh cried and humbled himself while in prison to Jehovah and God answered to his cried and restored his kingdom back to him what a merciful God that we serve.

Are you in any distress, trouble , sickness, the enemy seem to be laughing at your downfall ? Cry to your helper and He will answer you in Jesus Name .

8 February 2015



God answers the moment we pray but our impatience makes us assume He hasn't answered yet ,hence spend unnecessary  time praying  about same problem all over and over again.


Come to me, all who are weary and burdened ,and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me , for I am gentle and humble in heart , and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light


I have a gift that had been waiting for me but due to my stubbornness, pride and negligence i refused to claim this gift despite the fact that i knew but because of my assumption that once i receive his gift i would need to change and give back all other gift delayed but one day i became so determined that i must collect my gift having realized  that the other gifts were given with a condition attached but this gift was free .

The greatest gift that you are entitled to is the gift of salvation , it contains the peace that passes human understanding, despite all the financial turbulence all over the world when received your provision becomes divine during famine  a widow with her son who had only flour and oil for a meal eat and were filled throughout the period. The Israelite walked through the desert and eat manna , quail divinely, though you dont live in a desert but your cirumstance might look like a desert situation. Peradventure you have been diagonised with an incurable disease ,cancer,HIV, in this gift is healing . With adamant faith you will be made whole, I have witnessed a lady eyes corrected miraculously, Sickle cell turned to negative am a living testimony.

Congratulations you are now a new creature , you will now need to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ by speaking to him constantly which is called prayer the more you communicate with Him the more closer you get with Him gradually He will reveal Himself to you .

7 February 2015



When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone way he causes their enemies to make peace with them


Wondering, tossing all over my bed I cant sleep because am worried why is that people cant accept you for the gift instill in you , began to wonder if truly I heard right, went back to my notes what a benefit of writing and repeated in my notes Do not be afraid of human beings.
But am I  really afraid of human being ? of course not but am afraid of not being accepted am not sure if that relates to you.
Human beings have refused to fulfil purpose because of fear of rejection because of human beings that wish to have that opportunity you have but you are endowed with yet you want to be accepted making us refusing or delaying to make the first step .
Is it human nature ? of the enemy but have come to a conclusion Jesus Christ was rejected and accepted  in various places that He went to , so who I am that because i was rejected will make me give up are all lies of the enemy. I keep trying because am not afraid of anyone except the one who sent me . When God accepts you , He alone will show and lead you to the people that will accept you .

6 February 2015


IS THERE REALLY GOD?: SONG OF THE DAY: Cautions me on the calling upon my Life


Cautions me on the calling upon my Life


The Lord brings death and makes alive, He brings down to the grave and raises up.The Lord sends poverty and wealth; He humbles and he exalts


Who are the sanballat, tobiah, genshem of your life? These are inividuals that become very envious when they realise that you are moving forward, they gather and gossip about your progress in one sentence i will refer to them as the spectators of life.

They become so angry with you that in most cases are not even your siblings but rather are people you encountered in your journey of life and either became friends, colleagues or associate. Their envy leads to hatred if not cautioned, but how would you recognize these individuals in your life.

As a child of God you will need the gift of discernment  without which you will be surrounded  with your enemies. Do you have any one that when they see you dress very well the comment is replusive. They criticise your work without them achieving one thing , they feel they are punishing you when they dont invest in your life or rather sow in your life, the list is endless but the greatest character of this people are suddenly they develop an attitude towards you but the good news is that with such people around you, your prosperity is guaranteed because they will give you determination to succeed despite all their so called criticism you will keep going high.
The story of a young servant of God that all other pastors , bishops, apostles criticized and were so judgmental ,while doing that his ministry expanded so much that in a space of time he already own properties while Sanballat, tobiah and genshem were conspiring against Nehemiah he was progressing and rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Dont eradicate them in your life but step up and move higher with the determination to fulfill your purpose on earth.

4 February 2015


The smallest part of the body yet the most deadly. The tongue is invincible to the eyes except when you stick it out or open your mouth before it performs it task , your determination to keep it covered and will only be used when necessary will make positive impact in your live.
 The function of the tongue can yield positive or negative impact setting your status aside either as a child of God or not , your words can never be reversed , once spoken it either hurts or pacify your recipient.
 Speak few words and you are wise, yourwords must be filled with wisdom and always positive because sooner or later it will manifest whatever you pronounce either on yourself, people around you, spouse, children. When you keep saying "i will prosper" continually it will eventually happen.
As a child of God your tongue is empowered so be careful of your utterances


Arise , shine , for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you