9 February 2015


There was a king called Manasseh that committed every thing that God instructed the Israelites not to do, to avoid the wrath of God but this king did everything as if he was above God, he bowed down and worshipped starry hosts, he built altars in the temple of the Lord, he sacrificed his children to pass through fire, practised divination and witchcraft , sought omens, mediums, spiritist then suddenly there was an invasion from the king of Assyria , this great king called Manasseh was captured,the enemies put a hook on his nose and bound him with shackles.

On the day of trouble many quickly forget one thing that the only one that can save you is the all wise God. God is mighty than human imagination, merciful and forgiven that is why He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for you during the time of the Israelites Jehovah spoke through prophets to His people yet heard the voices of people in these end time generation we are so privilenge that as soon as you use the name above all names Jesus Christ in time of trouble when no prophet is around to tell you the mind of God , your request will be granted.

A new week that some people will be granted promotions, letters of testimonies will be opened, delivery of babies,new job yet for some people it will be a week that some will cross over to eternity but whose side are you ? Manasseh cried and humbled himself while in prison to Jehovah and God answered to his cried and restored his kingdom back to him what a merciful God that we serve.

Are you in any distress, trouble , sickness, the enemy seem to be laughing at your downfall ? Cry to your helper and He will answer you in Jesus Name .

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