Gates are
built for various reasons including security depending on the occupants of the building,
where a king and queen dwells has a gate installed mainly to prevent intruders
. Intruders might come for different purposes either to view the personality or
to steal but the purpose is of no
significance when caught , he or she will be punished accordingly .
People do not despise a thief if he
steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving .Yet if he is caught , he must
pay sevenfold though it costs him all
the wealth in his house PROVERBS 6:30-31.
A gate
attracts curiosity frm people especially where the houses around don’t have
gates , curiosity comes to the mind of passer by asking questions “Why is this
house with gates ? The people living there must be very important and rich ? Are all questions that
will not be answered until they make enquiry.
You are a house what does that imply you might ask ,
as individuals the only thing that differentiates
us is our physical features which includes skin colour, height, weight, stature but we all
have a soul and spirit ,when I die my body is useless so whether cremated ,
buried makes no differences, but what about the soul and spirit ? The spirit of a man returns to God because God
is the owner of the spirit which is evident when God formed Adam . Then
the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
life and the man became a living being GENESIS2:7.
But the question is where is the soul of a dead? FREE EBOOK AVAILABLE AT SMASHWORDS GATE OF HEAVEN BY MARY AJAKAIYE
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