10 March 2015


Smiling broadly , I stopped to say hello very excited to see my friend thinking in my heart that everyone arounds me love me just the way I love them but having a conversation the other person forgot to cut off the line and my mouth open ajar as I heard the conversation with another ( friend ) . Who was that  response " It is that fool , she is so full of herself my heart was so broken cutting the phone I made a vow that I will never call any of my so called friends neither would I have a friend again no more friends .

About to sleep with my normal routine I opened my Bible to read and the passage that opened randomly was John 15 it was as if I have never read the bible verse before, it was a condition if I was to receive anything from God , I must love and if my claim that I was a child of God was to be true I must love my mind was troubled how can i love these people that am surrounded with that hates me for no reason I slept and woke up with the determination that I must finish this race well I will love them no matter what they do or say about me but I will apply wisdom .

Based on certain circumstances it is very tough to love someone who has abused you while you were a child , or even someone that you loved betrayed you but it is a commandment from JESUS CHRIST love everyone when you show love to those that hate you , you are heaping fire on their heads my conclusion I will keep heaping fire on the head of my haters and keep the commandment of my heavenly Father.

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