21 March 2015


Am not given out any gift yet, am talking about the gifts that every Christian must have. As a Christian you must have three gifts when Jesus Christ resurrected and showed Himself to his disciples he said some signs will follow those that believe MARK 16:17-18
You must speak in new tongues, heal, and perform miracles. But why should I have them you might ask? It is a language the enemy doesn’t understand, it is only God that understand ,when you pray in tongues the Holy Spirit is helping you to pray the right prayers not asking amiss.
You will fulfil Gods purpose for your life .Every Child of God  has a calling with the gift bestowed on you ,use it efficiently sometimes where you are and your current circumstance might not allow you the best advice  don’t let your situation control your life rather control the situation.
Despite scientific research concerning what happens in the brain when Christians speak in tongue I as a witness know that whenever I pray in tongues for half an hour deep revelations are revealed to me.
How can you have the gifts? Ask God specifically for the gift.

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