11 March 2015


As a child of God you are a soldier. "Join with me in suffering , like a good soldier of Christ Jesus . No one serve as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer 2 Timothy 2:3-4 .What type of soildier  are you?  Jesus Christ expect  us  to be rugged, efficient , on the guard and violent towards the opponent , but are the churches providing the platform are we hearing the word of God does it impact our lives ?
There are diffrent types of Christians .
First set of soldier  are called chicken christians, they are always looking at the things below not on heavenly things  come to church on new year eve , easter , and christmas but have a bible in their car, in their library, sometimes on a table , the bible is so clean that you wouldnt doubt if you are told that it was bought  recently, they put their bible under their pillow . They are tossed every well with doctrines , believe anything as the chicken just goes without direction so are they , they visit all types of churches throughtout the year .

They are eagles christians which varies .The first category of eagle are the pleasure eagles they want miracles without working. When you go to work and sign timesheet , the timesheet is an evidence of the hours you worked which means that your employer must pay you for your work , you cant put in hours that you havent work ,God expects you to work so you can receive  a  man that is constantly in the house of God  working, cleaning , tidying the house of God and the man that visits the house of God once in a while who would God pay wages ? They become serious when they need something from God , they are never in a hurry ,they will attend special programme , they leave the church immediately after the grace. They dont like responsiblity, they dont attend group meetings, night vigils ,always seeking for miracle without change of heart .
 The second  type of eagles  are very proud , look good, very conscious of their look , they  like to be seen .They are  seekers of men praise , when they are not recognised they leave the church , they attend all activities when the pastor is around , they participate in all activities because the leader is watching but the moment the pastor is unavailable they become absent,when they are not recognised they run away from the church .
The second type of eagle set are very aggressive , sometimes have problem with people because of the zeal he or she has towards the things of God, they are vey zealous for anything that has to do with God, they are very handworking.
Are you a chicken christian? Are you an eagle ? God will train you if you are ready but why should I be a soilder when I obey all the commandments and just want to make Heaven ? The eagle makes a wonderful nest, when the eaglets are born she takes care of her cjildren with food but after several weeks the eaglets observe that the mother eagle suddenly change and begin to detroy the comfortable home, she will push them , they will become terrifed and when she pushes them again out of fear they will raise their flap and realise that they can fly.
Have you observe that when you gave your life to Jesus Christ , all your request was granted then gradually you observe that it isnt so anymore because you are being trained .
God is a mighty man of war so you must be a child of war . Are you ready to be a mighty vessel for God your  nest must be destroyed , pride laziness.

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