13 March 2015


Like I was many years ago was involved in a relationship that was totally contrary to the word of God and breaking up from such relationship was so difficult because we had been in the relationship for a few years so it wasreally difficult and my hope and prayer that He might become a born again proved abortive ,emphasis on the born again is important because we were both christians , going to church together but didnt have a personal relationship. Being a christian doesnt mean that you are born again it takes someone that openly confesses Jesus Christ as His/ her  personal Lord and Saviour to be refered to as Born Again   on the last day judgement wouldnt be based on your demonication, title , position but on your works.

A personal relationship helps you talk with Him directly so when you are going wrong Jesus Christ will quickly rebuke you with love remembering a day recently that I was determined not to attend a church programme I heard the voice of Gpd with a tone of anger tell me "I WANT YOU TO BE IN THAT PROGRAMME AND BE THERE ON TIME. I knew the Holy Spirit was angry because of the tone without hesistation I was there minutes before the programme . Going back to the topic because you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you now everything about you has to change and please note  ; You cannot change a person it is the Holy Spirit that can change someone so being in an unholy  relationship and your hope that you will change the person is founded on lies. But am married , you  both were unbelievers but you are now born again and your spouse is not is totally different with prayers that can change , but why can I apply prayers to this ungodly relationship that He will change . Ungodly relationship means involving in fornication which is not only a sin against God but also against your body for your body is the temple of God which baffles me when a child of God smokes and drinks that will be discussed another day.

When you are in a relationship and you commit fornication then you are not yet a born again Christian, secondly there is no amount  of anointing that will not eventually affect your mind because you will become influenced iron sharpeneth iron, not wood sharpeneth iron. Your friends and relationships have a great influence on you
Pray very well so when you break up he or she will part without anger, bitterness in their heart .
Break up with explanation, you just dont tell someone I dont love you anymore without reason
Restitution :maybe you have business ties together ensure you dont owe
Keep praying for the person even after breaking up 

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