5 March 2015


We take a drink for granted , when you are thirsty you turn the tap /kettle and pour water and drink but a day will come when this water will become very scarce. The story of the rich man and Lazarus is an illustration of what will happen , the rich man begged for a drop of water from Lazarus but because of the wall of barrier between them Lazarus couldnt give the rich man.

The rich man had access to water while on earth but after death there is no race, gender, wealth diffrence everyone is the same before God . But will the soul really thirst after death? As an individaul  I have a body, soul and spirit after death the body is useless and when it is not embalm it can swell and burst. The soul returns to God and your spirit will be judged , your spirit man is your life. The human spirit has a voice that is called conscience , after death your spirit will remember all the events while on earth and the privilenges and chances you heard about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You will remember the water and food you had easy access to  but depends on your choice if you want to be thirsty and no one will give you water or you want to have access to the living water that will never run dry. The earth we all live  is a temporary accomodation and will vacate to a permanent abode . You have a choice not to beg for a drop of water by giving your life to Jesus Christ now .

Jesus Christ is waiting at the door of your heart open for Him today , tommorrow might be too late

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