27 January 2015


Marriage is sacred likewise marriage , though we live in the dispensation of grace but realizing that God is still the same yesterday today and forever is paramount for us. A woman should be married as a virgin and the cloth of her defilement will be show  to her inlaw and family earning her respect , if a man lied that she wasnt a virgin , he would be punished and must marry and not divorce her fast forward the society practise no such hing because we are in the grace dispensation.

Maintaining your virginity in this present age seems like you are asking someone to perform an impossible task but do you know that you can still maintain this and still be in the grace dispensation, and also not be out of touch with the society. Are you still a virgin? I rejoice greatly with you, when you remain sacred until your wedding night has one great advantage that as a child of God i crave for that is your closeness with your maker will be extremely cordial.

Your determination to remain a virgin or abstain from sex before marriage peradventure you have lost it when in the world but now  a child of God maintaining this requires divine intervention because our flesh is weak asking God to help you will help you disdain it but when the right time come you will enjoy it be wise your body is the temple of the Lord dont defile it

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