24 January 2015


Living in a world that the powers that rule is darkness with manifestations of chaos, turbulence people are confused about life generally realizing that literally insanity is in the world with killing, hatred , people rejoicing over another man down fall because of jealousy and envy .
As a child of God , you are unique and must ensure that you remain sane otherwise you will fall by the way side and join the world.
What can trigger going back to the things of the world. Poverty, sickness, the only solution to your problem is compromising your faith, you cannot evangelizing at work, careful of what you utter then you begin to wonder if it is really worth it.

To remain sane and finish well requires the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a personality and so courteous that if you dont invite him into a matter He would not interfere. You will need to continually communicate with Him to help you no matter how small the decision is, He would reply either through the word of God, inner voice , dream but always wait for an answer .

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