19 February 2015


You hear Christians say the Holy Spirit said but sound strange to a new child of God . When I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ I never heard about the Holy Spirit so it was so strange to an experience, I observed that as I opened my mouth to pray it seems I was speaking a different language out if ignorance I stopped and went to bed. The next day the moment I obeyed my mouth to pray I began to speak in a language that I didn't understand .

Kneeling down and praying today , the Holy Spirit said I should write about Him hence this write up.The Holy Spirit has always existed before the existence  of the  earth but when Jesus Christ came to the world to die for mankind for the remission of sin so our relationship with God can be rectified , the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus Christ as a dove after baptism. As a child of God , the Holy Spirit should be your best friend that you communicate with but how can a dove speak ?
The illustration of a dove tells about the characteristics of the Holy Spirit but He is a personality that has feelings ,He speaks .When you surrender your Life to Jesus Christ , the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in your spirit which becomes  a strange scenario when a child of God still smokes  implying that you are smoking on the Holy Spirit leading to contamination.
The Holy Spirit will empower you with gifts which differs from each individual , if you dont speak in diverse language doesnt mean that the Holy Spirit does not dwell in you , you might be gifted in other gifts .There is the gift of wisdom,  knowledge, faith,healing,working of miracles , prophesy,diverse tongues,interpretation of tongues.
 But how do you know that the Holy Spirit dwells in you. It depends on your character , when He dwells in you , gradually you exhibit new character for instance  in the past  you are someone that gets very angry gradually you become so peaceful that as an individual you cant explain how you were able to overcome anger out of your life.
Can you talk with the Holy Spirit as a friend yes you can , you must learn to talk less so you can hear his voice , spend time reading the word of God , a relationship began one day gradually developed into best friend so is the walk with the Holy Spirit .

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