16 November 2013


One of the ways to hear from God is through the word of God .But the Bible is just a Book, the word of God is alive and real. “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thought and intents of the heart HEBREWS 4:12.
If you are a Child of GOD and you are currently facing financial difficulties the word of God said “ And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places ,that thou may know that I, the Lord which call thee by thy name ,am the God of Israel  ISAIAH 45: 
Are you currently sick or a loved one sick? The word of God says “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall they hands on the sick ,and they shall recover Mark 16:18
Are you unhappy, unfulfilled, the word of God says “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,and I will give you rest,Take my yoke upon you ,and learn of me ,for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls .For my yoke is easy and my burden is light Mathew 11:28-30
You might ask how will this work for me ,you have to believe ,if you believe that when you go to bed at night ,that God will wake you up in the morning then you have to believe that when you believe the word of GOD it would work in your life .What are you waiting for ,if you are sick lay your hands on your body and cast out the sickness in JESUS NAME .Are you poor ?ask God to show you the secret of hidden riches . If you have been trusting GOD for a major breakthrough  put all  the problem on JESUS Christ he would relieve you .IT WORKS PERFECTLY

12 November 2013


Through prayers, praying is a medium of communication .Praying is communicating with God ,but I have realised with experience that God cannot speak when you are worried the mind is so powerful ,the moment you begin to think about your problems ,sometimes thinking about the solution it is very hard to hear from God?
God can speak with you when you are praising Him  .Praise brings peace to any storm in life have you ever sang and think ?it not possible I don’t know about you but when I sing I don’t think ,while praising God will speAK. You have to have the mind-set before you start praying that God is the only one that can help , in the middle of your prayer God will speak it could be through the presence of the LORD IT COULD ALSO BE AN INNER Voice Be still God will speak
To be continued

10 November 2013


We have to be careful of who and what to hear and believe in present times. The enemy is often described as a fierce looking creature with two horns on his head ,the devil disguises as an angel of light, I heard a man of God preached that a man in his church was praying one night and suddenly a man came in a white clothing and said don’t worry I have come to help I WILL HOLD THEE AT THY RIGHT HAND ,SAYING UNTO THEE ,FEAR NOT I WILL HELP THEE ISAIAH 41:13.
When he wanted to stop praying he noticed that the man was actually holding up his left hand instead of the right hand as the Bible says so he intensified his prayers and this so called angel disappeared .The enemy can come as an handsome man, beautiful woman even as a child.
So how can you hear from God and know that God is the one speaking? One of the ways that God speaks to his children is through dreams .Whatever you are trusting God for ,have you prayed about it ,God might have answered you through your dream ,but because you expect a stereotyped answer like an angel coming to you ,it doesn’t work that way. Pray and be very observant about your dream life, write your dream life ……to be continued

9 November 2013

small gathering

never despise a small gathering was so tired that i didnt feel like going for a prayer meeting i kept giving excuses God understands am so tired and weak today that shows that am human like everyone sometimes things don't work out the way i plan people that you trust betray you ,but my policy is that if i don't move on and forge ahead no one will help me remember Jesus Christ said you should ask,God knows all your heart desire but you have to make an effort ,and open your mouth. i decided to go for the prayer meeting guess what God moved in an unexpected way .BE VIGILANT AND PRAYERFUL BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN GOD WILL VISIT IT COULD BE AT THE LAST MINUTE .During the period of persecution in the 19th century when Christians were persecuted they were ten men that maintain their stand that they will never renounce their faith till they die .They were arrested and tortured cruelly these ten men maintained their stand and suddenly God sent ten angels to give the ten men their crown of glory as they angels were almost there one of the men said i cant cope this torture is to much and he renounced his faith,one of the guards look up and saw the man angel returning the crown back he quickly removed his garment and joined the remaining nine men to claim the crown of the fallen christian.When the angel of the Lord brings your testimony you will not miss that minute,that hour nor that day in Jesus Name

7 November 2013


In the past i found it difficult to believe that i had to completely surrender my Life to Jesus Christ if someone approached me that i should give me life to Jesus Christ i ask that if GOD was so caring why is there so much suffering in the world? I am the boss of my life i can do whatever l like ,dress the way i like ,make decisions no one will question me after all it was my life .I lived my life with out care,when am bored i get the car keys am off to the club,when am lonely i call my boyfriend to share intimate moments with ,when am broke i call a rich boyfriend for money, didn't lack but i was empty of course not physically i just was not a happy girl. though smile,laugh yet not happy.
when you are involved in a relationship that involves premarital sex sometimes it leads to marriage,some end up failing because of faulty foundation most times guys believe that if they can have a girl for free why go through the stress of marriage .
Life is filled with ups and downs whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not have you ever observed that when you solve a problem another is just waiting by the corner this has nothing to do with the enemy JOB 14:1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble .when the trouble comes how do you solve it in the past if there was any trouble i just decide on what to do but presently when there is trouble i tell God that you said in the world i will have tribulation but i should be of good cheer Lord help me JOHN 16 :33 and i relax
no matter what you are going through right now relax focus your eyes on your helper HE will never fail

6 November 2013

when hope seems lost

Have you prayed,fasted and yet no answer and the promise of the Lord has not been fulfilled because the moment you pray God has answered you,so,why have you not received an answer , i will give you the solution have done it and it worked for me SOLUTION 1 For every problem there is a spirit behind it ,when Daniel prayed the Lord had answered him from the first day yet the enemy held up the angel that was bringing the answer, don't be deceived  that he moment you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ your problem is solved a girl of that surrendered her life to Jesus Christ at the age of fourteen and the woman that surrendered her life at the age of 35 have different battles to fight  the battle of 35 will be considerablyh  higher than the 14 the reasons will be discussed another day.You have to pray and bind the power behind ythe problem Have you been trusting God for a particular problem you live holy and obey the commandment of God and the problem has not been answered there is  something wrong.
The second solution KNOW YOURSELF the worst enemy is the enemy of oneself i was listening to a man of God that said there was a pastor that his ministry was not growing so he embarked on three days dry fasting and keep shouting and praying all the powers behind my problem  oh Lord destroy them the first day God didn't answer the second day God didnt answer then the third day He saw a stick from heaven and he was rejoicing  that God will flog his enemy all of a sudden the stick started flogging him he was the problem search your soul are you sure you are not the problem . i tried this prayerfully with a sincere heart it worked and still works for me.If you have done all this and still not worked

28 October 2013

Who are the virgins?

When i mean virgin am not referring to women/men who are humanly virgins,virgins in this story are Christians that  are blemish free in the sight of our Heavenly Father . They were ten virgins five were foolish five were wise,but they all had lamps .The ten virgins were all Christians  who believed in the coming of Jesus Christ ,because they were all waiting for the bridegroom  probably there were all gorgeously dressed ,talking playing together as a lot of Christians do now in churches,outing,meetings .
If you have a lamp you should know that you will need extra oil because the oil might run dry,why did the five foolish ones not keep extra oil .it is because of distractions,some people are thinkers while some are talkative .Thinkers rule the world ,what do you spend your time doing? The wise ones probably thought among  themselves  that in case the bridegroom runs late because of an emergency what do we do?and came to the conclusion to buy extra oil .
What is the extra oil in your Life? As a christian the oil in your life is the word of God ,you have to read,meditate,memorize it .and obey the word of God without all these the oil will run dry.
And then there is a shout the bridegroom has returned, without seeing him all the virgins get ready for whom they have been waiting for , suddenly the foolish ones realize that they have been distracted for too long they have not be winning souls for Christ,giving,showing love then ask the wise ones for oil ,of course because the wise ones have been prepared they didn't need to panic but rather relaxed and said they best thing is to quickly go and back more oil before they came back the bridegroom had come for the prepared ones and shut the door .

20 October 2013

Your Gift

Everyone has a gift  you need to sit down and think about what you enjoy doing the most.Once you know what your gift is, .with the little resources you have, begin to work seriously on it.What; will people say about you when you leave this world? do you think it will be good or bad comments.The year is coming to an end ,when you started the new year am sure you had a plan that you wrote down have you achieved them?
So many times we write down plans and it never see the light of the day ,because we are so busy with other things and keep delaying i will do it tomorrow  What you can do today never leave it for tomorrow else it will never be done.The reason why we don't get things done is because our mind is really not there. When you make up your mind to do something as a human being with determination you will do it.Bring out that plan, n start working on it. There is an open secret i will like to share with you A LIFE WITHOUT  CHRIST IS A LIFE FULL OF CRISIS.God doesn't understand that you don't pay tithe and yet you want the blessing there are principles that you have to obey.We all say Abraham blessings are ours ,but if you study the life of Abram  you will realize it was a process when the Lord told him that he will be a father of many nations he told him to walk before him(GOD) there was a condition.GENESIS 17:1
Obey Gods commandment and you will use your gift to the best ability and you will definitely prosper 

On Fire for God: Public School Bible Clubs Spread - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

On Fire for God: Public School Bible Clubs Spread - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Persecution of Christians getting worse | Christian News on Christian Today

Persecution of Christians getting worse | Christian News on Christian Today

14 October 2013


 Can you proof to me that there is God? some people will say yes some don't believe in God..Well whether anyone likes it or not the simple fact is that there is God and we will all be judged according to our works after death. i hardly listen to news anymore because i get so sad with the
news it is either someone is killed or someone kills ,evil is celebrated ,women dress indecently and accepted . I have been sent by Jesus Christ to tell everyone that cares to listen to choose a wise path ,saying that you don't tell lies,you are good will not guarantee that you will make Heaven ,Jesus Christ said He is the way,the truth and life ,you have to accept him before you enter the kingdom Of God .
God gives life and takes life,you cannot control your life when death comes knocking .where will your soul go after this ,please think deeply  no one knows the last meal,drink ,phone conversation before death visit secure your soul just in case there is God but I can testify to you that there is God and judgement after this life